Research Themes

Animal Behaviour
Researchers in this group are interested in comparative cognition, covering topics such as social cognition, causal understanding, social learning, vocal and non-vocal communication, language and brain evolution. The subjects of their behavioural studies include fish, birds, cetaceans and primates.

Behavioural Neuroscience
Researchers in this group are broadly interested in the neural bases of behaviour, including the link between genes, hormones and neural functioning. The types of behaviour pattern studied include simple locomotor movements, action responses, reward, memory, social behaviour and social cognition. The research has implications for numerous human disorders, including dyslexia, schizophrenia, addiction, and AD/HD.

Cellular Basis of Behaviour and Disease
Research in this group focuses on the function of neurons and glia with the aim of understanding how cellular and network properties control complex behaviours. In addition, pathological changes in cellular properties are studied in various models of neurodegenerative and neurological disorders (such as Motor Neuron Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease) in order to reveal key disease mechanisms that could serve as targets for novel therapeutic strategies.

Researchers interested in complex mental acts such asobject recognition, voluntary movements, memory storage and retrieval, and decision making. The researchers are interested in how these processes are implemented within the brain and the cognitivedeficits associated with human neuropsychological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Behavioural Ecology and Evolution
Research in this group encompasses the way in which the behavioural repertoires and physiology of animals have been selected to respond to differing environmental conditions. The research topics include diving physiology of marine mammals, predation and paternity in birds, offspring sex ratios, animal-plant interactions and speciation in insects and fish.

This research grouping uses a broad range of techniques to study perception, from neurophysiology and neural network modelling, through psychophysics and eye movement recording, to behavioural responses to visual stimuli. Current research topics include binocular vision, 3D perception, visual information processing, and behavioural responses to facial attributes (e.g. health, attractiveness).